Customs (SROs)

Customs (SROs)

SROs. No. Date Subject Sections Status View
1709(I)/2023 24-11-2023 Custom Rules, 2001 219 active
1414(I)/2023 09-10-2023 Custom Rules, 2001 219 active
1402(I)/2023 07-10-2023 Amendment in Custom Rules, 2001 219
1398(I)/2023 03-10-2023 Amendment in S.R.O 797(I)/2021 dated 21.06.2021 to assign Jurisdiction to the relevant Adjudication Collectorates dealing with the cases of the new created Collectorates 3 of 179
1395(I)/2023 03-10-2023 Amendment in Custom Rules, 2001 219 active
1380(I)/2023 03-10-2023 Imposition of Processing fee @10% ad-valorem under Section 18D of the Customs Act, 1969 18D active
1118(I)/2023 25-08-2023 Regarding Organization of Directorate General of Customs Risk Management (DGCRM) 3BBB & 3e active
1094(I)/2023 23-08-2023 Amendments in Customs Rules, 2001 50 active
1093(I)/2023 23-08-2023 Amendments in Customs Rules, 2001 219 active
1088(I)/2023 19-08-2023 dated 19/08/2023 regarding re-opening of Directorate General of Reforms and Automation-Customs 3BB, 3E, 4 active
1066(I)/2023 10-08-2023 Creation of new Customs Collectorates 3 active
1077(I)/2023 09-08-2023 Pakistan Single Window Integrated Risk Management System Rules, 2023 21 active
960(I)/2023 24-07-2023 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001 (Addition of new chapter XLIV - Litigation and Prosecution Rules) 219 active
923(I)/2023 17-07-2023 Amendment in SRO 577(I)/2006 19
923(I)/2023 17-07-2023 Amendment in S.R.O 577(I)/2006 dated 05.06.2006 19
916(I)2023 12-07-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
917(I)2023 12-07-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
933(I)/2023 12-07-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
916(I)2023 12-07-2023 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001 219 active
917(I)2023 12-07-2023 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001 219 active
933(I)/2023 12-07-2023 Amendment in TIR Rules 219 active
902(I)/2023 07-07-2023 Delegation of Anti-Smuggling powers of LEAs 6
903(I)/2023 07-07-2023 Delegation of Anti-Smuggling powers of LEAs 6 active
579(I)/2020 28-06-2023 S.R.O 42(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
772(I)/2023 27-06-2023 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
775(1)/2023 27-06-2023 Supersession of SRO. 840(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
771(I)/2023 27-06-2023 Amendment in SRO 577(I)2005 - dt 06-06-2005 19 active
773(I)/2023 27-06-2023 Amendment in SRO 1261(I)2007 - dt 31-12-2007 19
774(I)/2023 27-06-2023 Amendment in SRO 645(I)2018 - dt 24-05-2018 18
775(I)/2023 27-06-2023 Amendment in SRO 966(I)2022 - dt 30-06-2022 18
744(I)/2023 19-06-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
744(I)/2023 19-06-2023 Amendments (Addition of new sub-chapter 5 in chapter XXXIV namely Special Technology Zones Rules) of the Customs Rules, 2001 50 active
743(1)/2023 12-06-2023 Jurisdiction of Collectorates 3 active
659(I)/2023 05-06-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)2001 dated 18.6.2001 and Supersession of SRO 413(I)/2012 dated 25.4.2012 ( Tracking & Monitoring Rules) issued vide SRO 659(I)2023 dated 05.06.2023 219 active
611(I)/2023 16-05-2023 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001, in rule 556A 219 active
611(I)/2023 16-05-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
611(1)/2023 16-05-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
536(I)/2023 09-05-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
533(I)/2023 08-05-2023 Temporary of Import of Vehicles Rules (Chapter VI of the Customs Rules, 2001) 219 active
533(I)/2023 08-05-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 19 active
560(I)/2023 05-05-2023 Pakistan-Tajikistan Transit Trade Rules 219 active
560(I)/2023 05-05-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
502(I)/2023 20-04-2023 Pakistan - Turkiye Trade in Goods Agreement - Active SRO Import 18C, 19 active
502(I)/2023 20-04-2023 Pakistan - Turkiye Trade in Goods Agreement - Active SRO Import 18C active
499(I)/2023 19-04-2023 Notify the area of five miles adjacent to the frontier of Pakistan , Afghanistan , India and Iran and the following districts to be the area to which section 177(1) of the Customs Act, 1969 shall apply namely 177 active
495(I)/2023 14-04-2023 Goods as essential commodities 156 active
454(I)/2023 10-04-2023 Amendments in Temporary Importation of Motor Vehicles Rules (Chapter VI of the Customs Rules, 2001) 219 active
454(I)/2023 10-04-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
420(I)/2023 31-03-2023 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001 regarding amendment in Cross Stuffing Rules 219 active
421(I)/2023 31-03-2023 Amendment in Uzbek Transit Rules 219 active
420(I)/2023 31-03-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
406(I)/2023 27-03-2023 PSW Trade Data Dissemination, Exchange and Utilization Rules, 2023 21 active
343(I)/2023 13-03-2023 Amendments in S.R.O 797(I)/2021 dated 21.06.2021 3 active
342(I)/2023 13-03-2023 The powers of the Officers of Customs under Section 33(5) of the Customs Act, 1969 33 active
346(I)/2023 13-03-2023 Amendment in S.R.O 102(I)/83 dated 12.02.1983 under section 9(b) and (c) of Customs Act, 1969 9 active
329(I)/2023 10-03-2023 Pakistan-Uzbekistan Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) 18C, 19 active
1398(I)/2023 10-03-2023 Amendment in S.R.O 797(I)/2021 dated 21.06.2021 to assign Jurisdiction to the relevant Adjudication Collectorates dealing with the cases of the new created Collectorates 3, 179 active
1399(I)/2023 10-03-2023 New Demarcation of NLC Dry Port, Jia Bagga, Lahore Cl. (a) of 09 and Cl. (b) of 10 active
1396(I)/2023 10-03-2023 Amendment in Custom Rules, 2001 219 active
329(I)/2023 10-03-2023 Pakistan-Uzbekistan Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) 18C, 19 active
288(I)/2023 03-03-2023 Amendment in Uzbek Transit Rules 219 active
287(I)/2023 03-03-2023 Amendment in Customs Rules 2001 regarding amendment in Cross-stuffing Rules 219 active
288(I)/2023 03-03-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
287(I)/2023 03-03-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
286(I)/2023 02-03-2023 Pakistan-Tajikistan Transit Trade Rules 219 active
286(I)/2023 02-03-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
205 (I)/2023 20-02-2023 Amendment in SRO 966(I)/2022 dated 30.06.2022 18 active
206 (I)/2023 20-02-2023 Amendment in SRO 967(I)/2022 dated 30.06.2022 18 Supersession
204(I)/2023 20-02-2023 Supersession of SRO. 840(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
205 (I)/2023 20-02-2023 Supersession of SRO. 840(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
206 (I)/2023 20-02-2023 Supersession of SRO. 845(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
1517(I)/2023 11-02-2023 Custom Rules, 2001 219 active
98(I)/2023 27-01-2023 Pakistan Single Window (Evidence of Identity) Regulations, 2023 18 active
73(I)/2023 25-01-2023 Exemption of Custom Duty on Import of Donation Consignments and Relief Items 19 active
73(I)/2023 25-01-2023 Exemption of Custom Duty on Import of Donation Consignments and Relief Items 19
77(I)/2023 13-01-2023 Amendment in the Customs Rules, 2001 219 active
77(I)/2023 13-01-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
996(I)/2023 08-01-2023 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 dated 18.06.2001 in Supersession of S.R.O 413(I)/2012 dated 12.04.2012 (Tracking and Monitoring Rules) 219 active
02(I)/2023 04-01-2023 Amendment in SRO 656(I)/2006 19 active
02(I)/2023 04-01-2023 Amendment in SRO 656(I)/2006 19 active
2326(I)/2022 28-12-2022 Amendment in Customs Reward Rules, 2012 219 active
2305(I)/2022 28-12-2022 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18 active
2301(I)/2022 22-12-2022 Jurisdiction of Collectorates 3 active
2293(I)/2022 21-12-2022 Amendment in SRO 966(I)/2022 dated 30.06.2022 18 active
2293(I)/2022 21-12-2022 Supersession of SRO. 840(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
2296(I)/2022 15-12-2022 Pakistan Single Window Evidence of Identity (EOI) Rules, 2022 21 Supersession
2258(I)/2022 14-12-2022 Regarding notifying Koi Khel, Teh & District Peshawar as Warehousing Station U/S 11 of the Customs Act, 1969 11 active
2201(I)/2022 12-12-2022 Amendments in Baggage Rules, 2006 219 active
2242(1)12022 12-12-2022 Amendment in SRO 693(I)/2006 18 active
2242(I)/2022 12-12-2022 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18 active
2202(I)/2022 07-12-2022 Amendment in the Customs Rules, 2001 (Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) Rules 219 active
2269(I)/2022 07-12-2022 Amendment in the Customs Rules, 2001 219 active
2269(I)/2022 07-12-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219
2202(I)/2022 07-12-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
2049(I)/2022 07-12-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
2069(I)/2022 01-12-2022 Amendment in SRO 656(I)/2006 dated 22.06.2006 19 active
2069(I)/2022 01-12-2022 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19 active
2259(I)/2022 23-11-2022 Pakistan Single Window Trade Data Dissemination, Exchange and Utilization Rules, 2022 21 active
2246(I)/2022 22-11-2022 Amendment in the Customs Reward Rules 219 active
2047(I)/2022 17-11-2022 Functions, Jurisdiction and Powers of NNDA to Exercise powers under the Customs Act, 1969 3E active
2048(I)/2022 17-11-2022 Functions, Jurisdiction and Powers of Officers of NNDA to Exercise powers under the Customs Act, 1969 3CCB active
2049(I)/2022 16-11-2022 Amendment in Customs Agents Licensing Rules (Chapter VIII) of Customs Rules, 2001 50 active
2043(I)/2022 15-11-2022 Amendment in Baggage Rules, 2006 219 active
2046(I)/2022 15-11-2022 Amendments in Customs Rules, 2001 - Multimodal Air to Land Corridor 40 active
2046(I)/2022 15-11-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
2039(I)/2022 04-11-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
2039(I)/2022 04-11-2022 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001 regarding CMR Rules 219 active
1953(I)/2022 24-10-2022 Amendment in S.R.O 966(I)/2022 dated 30.06.2022 (RD) 18 active
1954(I)/2022 24-10-2022 Amendment in S.R.O 967(I)/2022 dated 30.06.2022 (ACD) 18 Supersession
1953(I)/2022 24-10-2022 Supersession of SRO. 840(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
1954(I)/2022 24-10-2022 Levy of Additional Customs Duty 18
1930(I)/2022 18-10-2022 Amendments in SRO 693(I)/2006 dated 1st July, 2006 18 active
1930(I)/2022 18-10-2022 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18 active
1907(I)/2022 12-10-2022 Amendment in SRO 127(I)/2016 (Inclusion of Ghulam Khan in list of TIR Points) 10
1908(I)/2022 12-10-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
1864(I)/2022 10-10-2022 Amendments in Baggage Rules, 2006 219 active
1763(I)/2022 22-09-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1763(I)/2022 22-09-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
1764(I)/2022 20-09-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1764(I)/2022 20-09-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
1722 (1)/2022 09-09-2022 Supersession of SRO. 840(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
1638(I)/2022 30-08-2022 Exemption of Customs Duty on Imports of Goods for Flood Relief 19 active
1633(I)/2022 30-08-2022 Supersession of SRO. 840(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
1648(I)/2022 29-08-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1648(I)/2022 29-08-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
1613(I)/2022 24-08-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1613(I)/2022 24-08-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
1571(I)/2022 22-08-2022 Supersession of SRO. 840(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
1572(I)/2022 22-08-2022 Supersession of SRO. 845(I)/2021 dated 30th June 202 18 Supersession
1560(I)/2022 16-08-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
1560(I)/2022 16-08-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1252(I)/2022 12-08-2022 Federal Government is pleased to exempt, with effect from 1st September, 2013, the import into Pakistan from Indonesia of the goods specified in ..... 19
1497(I)/2022 01-08-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
1497(I)/2022 01-08-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1246(I)/2022 01-08-2022 Exemption of Customs duty on import of goods into pakistan from SAARC coutries under SAFTA agreement 19 active
1251(I)/2022 01-08-2022 Exemption from customs duty on import from Iran under Pak-Iran PTA. 19 active
1250 (I)/2022 01-08-2022 Amendment in SRO 558(I)/2004 19 active
1248(I)/2022 01-08-2022 Pakistan - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 19 active
1181(I)/2022 28-07-2022 Dated 31.12.2019 - China Pakistan FTA 19 active
985(I)/2022 04-07-2022 Amendment in Baggage Rules 219 active
966(I)/2022 30-06-2022 Supersession of SRO. 840(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 active
967(I)/2022 30-06-2022 Supersession of SRO. 845(I)/2021 dated 30th June 2021 18 Supersession
968(I)/2022 30-06-2022 Exemption of Customs Duty on import of certain goods imported from Afghanistan 19 active
806(I)/2022 20-06-2022 Levy of Regulatory Duty 18 active
805(I)/2022 20-06-2022 Levy of Additional Customs Duty 18 Supersession
803(I)/2022 16-06-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
803(I)/2022 16-06-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
804(I)/2022 15-06-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
802(I)/2022 15-06-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
804(I)/2022 15-06-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
802(I)/2022 15-06-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
566(I)/2022 27-04-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
567(I)/2022 27-04-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
566(I)/2022 27-04-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
567(I)/2022 27-04-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
550(I)/2022 15-04-2022 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219 active
550(I)/2022 15-04-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
511(1)/2022 14-04-2022 Levy of Regulatory Duty on luxury/essential items 18 Supersession
514(I)/2022 12-04-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
497(I)/2022 06-04-2022 S.R.O 499(I)/2013 superseded S.R.O. 607(I)/2012, dated the 2nd June, 2012 19
488(I)/2022 05-04-2022 Uninterrupted Supply of Oxygen Gas in the Country for Medical Purposes 19 active
431(I)/2022 15-03-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
434(I)/2022 15-03-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
432(I)/2022 14-03-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
432(I)/2022 09-03-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
427(I)/2022 08-03-2022 Declaration of Bazarcha Border Terminal, Taftan as Customs Station under section 9& 10 of the Customs Act 1969 9 active
426(I)/2022 07-03-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
322(I)/2022 01-03-2022 Amendment in SRO 840(I)/2021 dated 30.06.2021 18 Supersession
293(I)/2022 17-02-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
182(I)/2022 02-02-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
157(1)/2022 27-01-2022 Levy of Regulatory Duty on luxury/essential items 18 Supersession
60(I)/2022 12-01-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
41(I)/2022 06-01-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
47(I)/2022 04-01-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
38(I)/2022 03-01-2022 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1610(1)/2021 21-12-2021 Levy of Regulatory Duty on luxury/essential items 18 Supersession
1611(1)/2021 21-12-2021 Levy of Additional Customs Duty 18 Supersession
1603(I)/2021 06-12-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1504(I)/2021 17-11-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1466(I)/2021 11-11-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1451(I)/2021 08-11-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1451(I)/2021 08-11-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1434(I)/2021 04-11-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1399(I)/2021 27-10-2021 Waiver of penal surcharge 98 active
1352(I)/2021 14-10-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1293(I)/2021 29-09-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1265(I)/2021 27-09-2021 Levy of Additional Customs Duty 18 Supersession
1256(I)/2021 20-09-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1118(I)/2021 02-09-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1129(I)/2021 01-09-2021 1129(I)/2021 219 active
1112(I)/2021 30-08-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1071(I)/2021 18-08-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1055(I)/2021 16-08-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1019(I)/2021 11-08-2021 Notification regarding M/S NLC Border Terminal, Taftan section 9 & 10 of the Customs Act, 1969 9 active
1012(I)/2021 05-08-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1013(I)/2021 05-08-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
957(I)/2021 30-07-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
936(I)/2021 16-07-2021 Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
935(I)/2021 16-07-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
902(I)/2021 09-07-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
903(1)/2021 09-07-2021 Levy of Regulatory Duty on luxury/essential items 18 Supersession
904(I)/2021 09-07-2021 Levy of Additional Customs Duty 18 Supersession
905(I)/2021 09-07-2021 Dated 31.12.2019 - China Pakistan FTA 19 active
873(I)/2021 05-07-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
872(I)/2021 05-07-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
847(I)/2021 30-06-2021 Supersession of FBR Notification No. S.R.O. 1065(I)/2005, dated the 20th October, 2005. 19
947(I)/2021 30-06-2021 Supersession of FBR Notification No. S.R.O. 1065(I)/2005, dated the 20th October, 2005. 19
839(I)/2021 30-06-2021 Exemption from customs duty on import of vehicles by war-disabled defence force personnel or by a civil disabled personne 19
841(I)/2021 30-06-2021 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
836(I)/2021 30-06-2021 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
837(I)/2021 30-06-2021 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
838(I)/2021 30-06-2021 Amendment in SRO 565(I)/2006 19
840(I)/2021 30-06-2021 Levy of Regulatory Duty on luxury/essential items 18 Supersession
845(I)/2021 30-06-2021 Levy of Additional Customs Duty 18 Supersession
829(I)/2021 28-06-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
831(I)/2021 25-06-2021 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
832(I)/2021 25-06-2021 S.R.O 43(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
784(I)/2021 18-06-2021 Draft of certain further amendments in the Export Oriented Units and Small and Medium Enterprises Rules, 2008 219 active
756(I)/2021 11-06-2021 Declaration of M/s Gerrys dnata (pvt) Ltd u/s 10 (b) of the Customs Act 1969 at Allama Iqbal Airport Lahore 10 active
495(I)/2021 31-03-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
378(I)/2021 29-03-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
315(I)/2021 18-03-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
294(I)/2021 05-03-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
267(I)/2021 26-02-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
264(I)/2021 24-02-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
263(I)/2021 23-02-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
201(I)/2021 10-02-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
180(I)/2021 09-02-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
164(I)/2021 04-02-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
103(I)/2021 25-01-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
79(I)/2021 22-01-2021 Exemption of Cryogenic Tanks (for oxygen gas) 19 active
82(I)/2021 19-01-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
47(I)/2021 19-01-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
14(I)/2021 06-01-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
03(I)/2021 04-01-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
06(I)/2021 04-01-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
04(I)/2021 04-01-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
05(I)/2021 04-01-2021 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1433(I)/2020 30-12-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1352(I)/2020 23-12-2020 Removal of regulatory duty on import of cotton yarn till 30th June,2021 18
1303(I)/2020 02-12-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1300(I)/2020 02-12-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1302(I)/2020 02-12-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1301(I)/2020 02-12-2020 Khalachi Customs Station declared for Rebatable Exports 9 active
1299(I)/2020 01-12-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1242(I)/2020 19-11-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1243(I)/2020 19-11-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1244(I)/2020 19-11-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1244(I)/2020 19-11-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1244(I)/2020 19-11-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1224(I)/2020 13-11-2020 Tracking and Monitoring of Cargo Rules, 2012. 219 active
1213(I)/2020 11-11-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1213(I)/2020 11-11-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1186(I)/2020 05-11-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1177(I)/2020 04-11-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1114(I)/2020 26-10-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1174(I)/2020 26-10-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1109(I)/2020 22-10-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1043(I)/2020 13-10-2020 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 18 Supersession
1039(I)/2020 09-10-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1045(I)/2020 09-10-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1036(I)/2020 08-10-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
965(I)/2020 05-10-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
966(I)/2020 05-10-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
886(I)/2020 17-09-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
857(I)/2020 08-09-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
809(I)/2020 03-09-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
798(I)/2020 28-08-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
797(I)/2020 26-08-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
714(I)/2020 11-08-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
685(I)/2020 05-08-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
633(I)/2020 21-07-2020 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 18 active
593(I)/2020 01-07-2020 Exemption of Customs duty on import of oxygen and oxygen cylinders 19 active
575(I)/2020 30-06-2020 Free Trade Agreement with Malaysia 19 active
574(I)/2020 30-06-2020 Dated 31.12.2019 - China Pakistan FTA 19 active
573(I)/2020 30-06-2020 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 18 Supersession
576(I)/2020 30-06-2020 Amendment in SRO 558(I)/2004 19 active
578(I)/2020 29-06-2020 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
580(I)/2020 29-06-2020 S.R.O 43(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
571(I)/2020 25-06-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
558(I)/2020 22-06-2020 Exemption of Customs duties on import of drug Remdesivir 19 active
554(I)/2020 16-06-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
542(I)/2020 08-06-2020 Tracking and Monitoring of Cargo Rules, 2012. 219 active
425(I)/2020 13-05-2020 Tracking and Monitoring of Cargo Rules, 2012. 219 active
218(I)/2020 10-03-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
127(I)/2020 24-02-2020 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 18 Supersession
122(I)/2020 21-02-2020 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
119(I)/2020 19-02-2020 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 18 Supersession
101(I)/2020 04-02-2020 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
38(I)/2020 21-01-2020 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 18 Supersession
38(I)/2020 21-01-2020 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 18 Supersession
1640(I)/2019 31-12-2019 Dated 31.12.2019 - China Pakistan FTA 19 active
1641(I)/2019 17-12-2019 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
1538(I)/2019 05-12-2019 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
994(I)/2019 04-09-2019 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
949(I)/2019 22-08-2019 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 18 Supersession
936(I)/2019 19-08-2019 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18 active
905(I)/2019 02-08-2019 Rangers In Punjab, Sindh Authorised To Carry Out Anti-Smuggling Functions 18
904(I)/2019 02-08-2019 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19 active
805(I)/2019 11-07-2019 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219 active
688(I)/2019 28-06-2019 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
674(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Supersession of FBR Notification No. S.R.O. 1065(I)/2005, dated the 20th October, 2005. 19
674(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Supersession of FBR Notification No. S.R.O. 1065(I)/2005, dated the 20th October, 2005. 19
672(I)/2019 28-06-2019 The materials and equipments, not manufactured lacally, if iported for Construction and Operation of Gwadar Port and development of Free Zone for Gwadar Port and Ship Bunker Oils bought and sold to th 19
681(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Exemption of Customs duty on import of goods into pakistan from SAARC coutries under SAFTA agreement 19
684(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Exemption from customs duty on import from Iran under Pak-Iran PTA. 19
676(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Amendment in SRO 565(I)/2006 19
678(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Amendment in SRO 1296(I)/2005 19
680(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 18 Supersession
671(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
682(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Amendment in SRO 558(I)/2004 19
673(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Exemption of Customs duty on import of coal mining equipment and machinery including vehicles for site use. 19
683(I)/2019 28-06-2019 Pakistan - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 19
687(I)/2019 28-06-2019 S.R.O 43(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
637(I)/2019 20-06-2019 Federal Government is pleased to levy service charges of two hundred and fifty rupees per Goods Declaration (GD), under Pakistan Customs Computerized System (PACCS). 18D
445(I)/2019 09-04-2019 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
327(I)/2019 11-03-2019 Supersession of S.R.O 640(I)/2018 dated 24.05.2018 (Regulatory Duty) 18
327(I)/2019 11-03-2019 Supersession of S.R.O 640(I)/2018 dated 24.05.2018 (Regulatory Duty) 18
243(I)/2019 25-02-2019 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
190(I)/2019 11-02-2019 Supersession of S.R.O 640(I)/2018 dated 24.05.2018 (Regulatory Duty) 18
191(I)/2019 11-02-2019 Superseded SRO.1178(I)/2015, dated 30.11.2015 18
194(I)/2019 11-02-2019 Draft Amendment in S.R.O 327(I)/2008 dated 29-03-2008. EOU Rules, 2008 218
108(I)/2019 31-01-2019 Superseded SRO.1178(I)/2015, dated 30.11.2015 18
50&51(I)/2019 15-01-2019 Implementation of Device Registration Blocking System (DIRBS) 181
18(I)/2019 04-01-2019 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
1540(I)/2018 21-12-2018 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1455(I)/2018 & 1456(I)/2018 29-11-2018 Procedure for Regularization of Unregistered Mobile Devices - DIRBS 181
1276(I)/2018 18-10-2018 Amendment in SRO 565(I)/2006 19
1265(I)/2018 16-10-2018 Supersession of S.R.O 640(I)/2018 dated 24.05.2018 (Regulatory Duty) 18 Supersession
1266(I)/2018 16-10-2018 Superseded SRO.1178(I)/2015, dated 30.11.2015 18
861(I)/2018 09-07-2018 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps. 6
848(I)/2018 04-07-2018 Superseded SRO.1178(I)/2015, dated 30.11.2015 18
833(I)/2018 03-07-2018 Import of Vintage / Classic Cars S.R.O No. 833(I)/2018, dated 3/7/2018 19
831(I)/2018 02-07-2018 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
826(I)/2018 29-06-2018 Exemption from Customs duty on import of goods.... 19
636(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Federal Government is pleased to exempt, with effect from 1st September, 2013, the import into Pakistan from Indonesia of the goods specified in ..... 19
649(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Tracking and Monitoring of Cargo Rules, 2012. 219
635(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Exemption of Customs duties beyond specified rates on items of No concession list imported from China. 19
631(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Free Trade Agreement with Malaysia 19
633(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Exemption of Customs duty on import of goods into pakistan from SAARC coutries under SAFTA agreement 19
637(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Exemption from customs duty on import from Iran under Pak-Iran PTA. 19
648(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
642(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
643(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
641(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Amendment in SRO 565 (I)/2006 19
634(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Amendment in SRO 1296(I)/2005 19
630(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Superseded SRO.1178(I)/2015, dated 30.11.2015 18 Supersession
645(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Levy of Regulatory Duty on Exports of Goods (Superseded SRO.321(I)/2009, 1011(I)/2005, 594(I)/2009, and 946(I)/2008) 18
646(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Superseded of SRO.811(I)/2013, dated 20.09.2013 3DDD, 3E, 4
644(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Exemption from customs duty on electric vehicles (CBU) 19
638(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Amendment in SRO 558(I)/2004 19
629((I)/2018 24-05-2018 Exemption from Customs duty on import of goods.... 19
632(I)/2018 24-05-2018 Pakistan - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 19
51(I)/2018 24-01-2018 Exemption of customs duty on import of equipment and construction machinery, if not manufactured locally, imported by M/s China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd., (M/s CSCECL) for the construction of Karachi – Peshawar Motorway (Sukkur-Multan Section) and M/s China Communication Construction Company (M/s CCCC) for construction of Karakorum Highway (KKH) Phase-II (Thakot – Havelian Section) vide SRO 642(I)/2016, dated 27th July, 2016. 19
36(I)/2018 17-01-2018 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1066(I)/2017 20-10-2017 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
823(I)/2017 17-08-2017 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
822(I)/2017 17-08-2017 S.R.O 42(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
824(I)/2017 11-08-2017 S.R.O 42(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
575(I)/2017 12-07-2017 Pakistan - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 19
574(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Federal Government is pleased to exempt, with effect from 1st September, 2013, the import into Pakistan from Indonesia of the goods specified in ..... 19
582(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Tracking and Monitoring of Cargo Rules, 2012. 219
563(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Supersession of its Notification No. S.R.O. 487(I)/2007 dated 9th June, 2007. 181
573(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Exemption of Customs duties beyond specified rates on items of No concession list imported from China. 19
569(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Exemption of Customs duty on import of goods into pakistan from SAARC coutries under SAFTA agreement 19
560(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
564(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
558(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
559(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
565(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Amendment in SRO 577(I)/2006 19
561(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Amendment in SRO 565 (I)/2006 19
567(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Amendment in SRO 1296(I)/2005 19
580(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Exemption from surcharge on warehousing goods 10
566(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Amendment in SRO 558(I)/2004 19
557(I)/2017 01-07-2017 Exemption from Customs duty on import of goods.... 19
170(I)/2017 16-03-2017 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
140(I)/2017 06-03-2017 Customs Duties exemption for Orange Line Project
40(I)/2017 25-01-2017 Customs Duties exemption for Orange Line Project 19
39(I)/2017 23-01-2017 Exemption from Customs duty on import of goods.... 19
11(I)/2017 04-01-2017 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
731(I)/2016 08-08-2016 Exemption of customs duty on import of equipment and construction machinery, if not manufactured locally, imported by M/s China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd., (M/s CSCECL) for the construction of Karachi – Peshawar Motorway (Sukkur-Multan Section) and M/s China Communication Construction Company (M/s CCCC) for construction of Karakorum Highway (KKH) Phase-II (Thakot – Havelian Section) vide SRO 642(I)/2016, dated 27th July, 2016. 19
642(I)/2016 27-07-2016 Exemption of customs duty on import of equipment and construction machinery, if not manufactured locally, imported by M/s China State Construction Engineering Corporation Ltd., (M/s CSCECL) for the construction of Karachi – Peshawar Motorway (Sukkur-Multan Section) and M/s China Communication Construction Company (M/s CCCC) for construction of Karakorum Highway (KKH) Phase-II (Thakot – Havelian Section) vide SRO 642(I)/2016, dated 27th July, 2016. 19
484(I)/2016 29-06-2016 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
482(I)/2016 29-06-2016 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
483(I)/2016 29-06-2016 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
474(I)/2016 24-06-2016 Amendment in SRO 565 (I)/2006 19
477(I)/2016 24-06-2016 Increase in rate of regulatory duty on import of Iron and Steel finished products. 18
236(I)/2016 21-03-2016 Increase in rate of regulatory duty on import of Iron and Steel finished products. 18
1189(I)/2015 01-12-2015 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
1175(I)/2015 30-11-2015 Amendment in SRO 577(I)/2005 19
979(I)/2015 06-10-2015 Revised / Enhanced Duty Draw Back rates. 21
683(I)/2015 15-07-2015 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
682(I)/2015 15-07-2015 S.R.O 42(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
681(I)/2015 15-07-2015 S.R.O 43(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
(I)/2015 08-07-2015 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
609(I)/2015 30-06-2015 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
607(I)/2015 30-06-2015 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
606(I)/2015 30-06-2015 Amendment in SRO 565 (I)/2006 19
610(I)/2015 30-06-2015 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
611(I)/2015 30-06-2015 Rescind the Notification No S.R.O 811(I)/2009 dated the 19th September, 2009 relating to CD concession on polypropylene etc. 19
337(I)/2015 22-04-2015 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
268(I)/2015 02-04-2015 Pakistan - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 19
854(I)/2014 26-09-2014 Pakistan - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 19
755(I)/2014 21-08-2014 Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to authorized repayment of customs-duties.............. 21
682(I)/2014 22-07-2014 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
683(I)/2014 22-07-2014 S.R.O 42(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
684(I)/2014 22-07-2014 S.R.O 42(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
567(I)/2014 26-06-2014 S.R.O 499(I)/2013 superseded S.R.O. 607(I)/2012, dated the 2nd June, 2012 19
565(I)/2014 26-06-2014 Amendment in SRO 565 (I)/2006 19
565(I)/2014 26-06-2014 Amendment in SRO 565 (I)/2006 19
562(I)/2014 26-06-2014 Amendment in SRO 577(I)/2005 19 active
280(I)/2014 08-04-2014 Pakistan - Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (FTA) 19 active
202(I)/2014 18-03-2014 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
121(I)/2014 24-02-2014 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
42(I)/2014 20-01-2014 S.R.O 42(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
43(I)/2014 20-01-2014 S.R.O 43(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
939(I)/2013 21-10-2013 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
940(I)/2013 21-10-2013 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
741(I)/2013 28-08-2013 Federal Government is pleased to exempt, with effect from 1st September, 2013, the import into Pakistan from Indonesia of the goods specified in ..... 19
598(I)/2013 21-07-2013 Federal Government is pleased to remit whole amount of fine payable by a person against whom an amount of customs-duty is outstanding on account of any adjudication order or who has failed to pay any amount of customs-duty or claimed in admissible refund or drawback of customs-duty....... 19
499(I)/2013 12-06-2013 S.R.O 499(I)/2013 superseded S.R.O. 607(I)/2012, dated the 2nd June, 2012 19
495(I)/2013 12-06-2013 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
388(I)/2013 14-05-2013 Federal Government is pleased to levy service charges of two hundred and fifty rupees per Goods Declaration (GD), under Pakistan Customs Computerized System (PACCS). 18D
334(I)/2013 18-04-2013 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
239(I)/2013 22-03-2013 Amendment in SRO 576 (I)/2006 19
209(I)/2013 13-03-2013 Amnesty Scheme for Smuggled/Seized vehicles. 179
185(I)/2013 08-03-2013 Amnesty Scheme for Smuggled/Seized vehicles. 19, 181
172(I)/2013 05-03-2013 Amnesty Scheme for Smuggled/Seized vehicles. 19, 181
176(I)/2013 05-03-2013 Provisions of Chapter XVI-A of Customs act, 1969 (Roll-out of WEBOC Project) 155A
174(I)/2013 05-03-2013 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
164(I)/2013 01-03-2013 Amendment in SRO 565 (I)/2006 19
120(I)/2013 19-02-2013 Amendment in SRO 565 (I)/2006 19
54(I)/2013 31-01-2013 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
48(I)/2013 30-01-2013 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
47(I)/2013 24-01-2013 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
22(I)/2013 18-01-2013 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
09(I)/2013 04-01-2013 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
1471(I)/2012 31-12-2012 Fixed Amount of Duty/Taxes on Passengers Baggage 19
1404(I)/2012 30-11-2012 SRO 1404(I)/2012 dated 30.11.2012 19
1409(I)/2012 30-11-2012 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1401(I)/2012 30-11-2012 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
1332(I)/2012 24-10-2012 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1345(I)/2012 24-10-2012 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1097(I)/2012 31-08-2012 Incentive Package for special industrial Zones/Economics 19
1098(I)/2012 31-08-2012 Incentive Package for the development of Pak-China Investment Zones 19
797(I)/2012 29-06-2012 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
767(I)/2012 22-06-2012 Amendment in SRO 565 (I)/2006 19
751(I)/2012 18-06-2012 Extension in warehousing period and waiver of panel surcharge on overstayed warehoused goods 98
576(I)/2012 01-06-2012 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
601(I)/2012 01-06-2012 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
584(I)/2012 01-06-2012 Superseded S.R.O 1265(I)/2018 dated 16.10.2018 19
584 (I)/2012 01-06-2012 Amendment in SRO1296(I)/2005 19
585(I)/2012 01-06-2012 Amendment in SRO 558(I)/2004 19
522(I)/2012 21-05-2012 Extension in warehousing period and waiver of panel surcharge on overstayed warehoused goods 98
413(I)/2012 25-04-2012 Tracking and Monitoring of Cargo Rules, 2012. 219 Supersession
264(I)/2012 14-03-2012 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
204(I)/2012 27-02-2012 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
66(I)/2012 31-01-2012 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
18(I)/2012 05-01-2012 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
10(I)/2012 02-01-2012 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1661(I)/2021 22-12-2011 Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1098(I)/2011 16-12-2011 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
1060(I)/2011 24-11-2011 Amendment in SRO 566(I)/2005 2
1053(I)/2011 16-11-2011 Federal Government is pleased to levy service charges of two hundred and fifty rupees per Goods Declaration (GD), under Pakistan Customs Computerized System (PACCS). 18D
794 (I)/2011 25-08-2011 Supersession of its Notification No. S.R.O. 487(I)/2007 dated 9th June, 2007. 181
794 (I)/2011 25-08-2011 Supersession of its Notification No. S.R.O. 487(I)/2007 dated 9th June, 2007. 181
664(I)/2011 29-06-2011 Federal Government is pleased to remit whole amount of penalties and surcharge under section 202A. 19
667(I)/2011 29-06-2011 Federal Government is pleased to remit whole amount of penalties and surcharge under section 202A. 19
646(I)/2011 25-06-2011 Federal Government is pleased to remit whole amount of penalties and surcharge under section 202A. 19
595/2011 10-06-2011 FBR Extends Warehousing Period and Waiver off Penal Surcharge on overstayed Warehoused goods. 98
S.R.O.478(I)2011 03-06-2011 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
sro275(I)/2011 26-03-2011 Amendment in SRO 577(I)/2005 19
250(I)/2011 16-03-2011 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
136(I)/2011 21-02-2011 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
36(I)/2011 13-01-2011 Amendment in SRO 566 (I)/2005 2
1090(I)/2010 01-12-2010 FBR is pleased to entrust to the officers of the Pakistan Rangers,Frontier Corps................. 6
S.R.O820(I)/2010 18-08-2010 Special Exemption on Export one time 19
688(I)/2010 27-07-2010 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
601(I)/2010 28-06-2010 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
581(I)/2010 24-06-2010 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
510(I)/2010 11-06-2010 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
(I)/2010 24-05-2010 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
(I)/2010 24-05-2010 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
339(I)/2010 20-05-2010 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
340(I)/2010 20-05-2010 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
337(I)/2010 18-05-2010 Extension of Warehouse Period (Penal surcharge) 98(3)(2)
323 (I)/2010 13-05-2010 Levy of regulatory duty at the rate of fifteen percent ad valorem on export of all types of yarn for sixty days with immediate effect 18
277(I)/2010 27-04-2010 Duty free import of new car of engine capacity not exceeding 1350cc by a pakistani disable national. 19
224(I)/2010 02-04-2010 Customs Notification. 18
(I)/2010 13-03-2010 Imposing of regulatory duty at the rate of twenty-five per cent (25%) ad valorem on export of waste and scrap of copper and aluminium and on bars, rods, ingots, slabs, and billets 18
(I)/2010 13-03-2010 Imposing of regulatory duty at the rate of twenty-five per cent (25%) ad valorem on export of waste and scrap of copper and aluminium and on bars, rods, ingots, slabs, and billets 18
124(I)/2010 01-03-2010 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
104(I)/2010 22-02-2010 Exemption of Customs duties beyond specified rates on items of No concession list imported from China. 19
(I)/2010 15-02-2010 Amendment in SRO 577(I)/2005 19
71(I)/2010 11-02-2010 Exemption from whole of the amount of default surcharge penalty 19
(I)/2010 11-02-2010 Amendment in SRO 566(I)/2005 2
1091(I)/2009 10-12-2009 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1025(I)/2009 07-12-2009 Declaration of Customs Station 9
888(I)/2009 15-10-2009 Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to make the following further amendment in the Export Oriented Units and Small & Medium Enterprises Rules, 2008 219
837(I)/2009 29-09-2009 The Federal Government is pleased to levy a fee of Rupees three hundred per piece of all types of seals to be used for Pakistan Customs Container Security System (PCCSS) and such fee shall be inclusiv 18D
805(I)/2009 16-09-2009 Federal Government is pleased to rescind its Notification No. S.R.O.1185 (I)/2007, dated the 5th December, 2007 with immediate effect. 18
651(I)/2009 08-07-2009 Amendment in SRO 566(I)/2005 156
612(I)/2009 29-06-2009 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
600(I)/2009 26-06-2009 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
492(I)/2009 13-06-2009 Supersession of FBR Notification No. S.R.O. 1065(I)/2005, dated the 20th October, 2005. 19
486(I)/2009 13-06-2009 The Federal Government is pleased to rescind its Notification No. S.R.O. 767(I)/2000, dated the 23rd October, 2000. 19
487(I)/2009 13-06-2009 The Federal Government is pleased to rescind Notification No. S.R.O. 492(I)/2007, dated the 9th June, 2007. 19
494(I)/2009 13-06-2009 Amendments in the Export Oriented Units and Small and Medium Enterprises Rules. 219
495(I)/2009 13-06-2009 The Federal Government is pleased to rescind its Notification No. S.R.O. 482(I)/2007, dated the 9th June, 2007. 18
499(I)/2009 13-06-2009 Supersession of its Notification No. S.R.O. 487(I)/2007 dated 9th June, 2007. 181
604(I)/2009 13-06-2009 Supersession of its Notification No. S.R.O. 487(I)/2007 dated 9th June, 2007. 181
491(I)/2009 13-06-2009 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
489(I)/2009 13-06-2009 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
493(I)/2009 13-06-2009 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
490(I)/2009 13-06-2009 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
595(I)/2009 01-06-2009 Exemption of Customs duties beyond specified rates on items of No concession list imported from China. 19
391(I)/2009 18-05-2009 The Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to direct that Mr. Ghulam Serwar Shah, Deputy Collector, Model Customs Collectorate, Multan, shall exercise the powers of the Additional Collector of Customs Co 5
340(I)/2009 16-04-2009 The Federal Government is pleased to levy a fee of Rupees three hundred per piece of all types of seals to be used for Pakistan Customs Container Security System (PCCSS) and such fee shall be inclusiv 18D
268 (I)/2009 28-03-2009 The Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to specify the following to be the Customs limits of Dera Ghazi Khan Airport, Dera Ghazi Khan. 10
269(I)/2009 28-03-2009 The Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to approve the proper places in the customs airport (Dera Ghazi Khan Airport), Dera Ghazi Khan. 10
270(I)/2009 28-03-2009 The Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to specify the following to be the Customs limits of Sheikh Zayed Airport, Rahim Yar Khan. 10
271(I)/2009 28-03-2009 The Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to approve the proper places in the customs Sheikh Zayed Airport, Rahim Yar Khan. 10
267(I)/2009 28-03-2009 The Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to direct that the following further amendment shall be made in its Notification No.S.R.O.101(I)/83, dated the 12th February, 1983. 9
209(I)/2009 05-03-2009 This notification allows duty drawback rates on export of textile and allied products 21
210(I)/2009 05-03-2009 This notification allows duty drawback rates on export of leather and allied products and sports goods 21
211(I)/2009 05-03-2009 211(I)/2009 21
212(I)/2009 05-03-2009 This notification allows duty drawback rates on export of miscellaneous products like packing metarials, edible products, plastic products, etc. 21
176(I)/2009 19-02-2009 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
77(I)/2009 29-01-2009 Federal Government is pleased to levy regulatory duty at the rate of twenty five percent ad-valorem on the import of ware potato 18
896(I)/2008 24-01-2009 Levy of Regulatory Duty on Non-Essential and Luxury Items 18
41(I)/2009 19-01-2009 Incentive Package for special industrial Zones/Economics 19
25(I)/2009 12-01-2009 Amendment in SRO 577(I)/2005 19
711(I)/2008 02-07-2008 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
(I)/2008 23-06-2008 Smuggle Goods and Vehicles in violation of import policy order not to be released 181
556(I)/2008 11-06-2008 Exemption on customs duty and salestax on import of Plant and machinery for developement of special industrial and economic zones 19
556(I)/2008 11-06-2008 Exemption on customs duty and salestax on import of Plant and machinery for developement of special industrial and economic zones 19
561(I)/2008 11-06-2008 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
562(I)/2008 11-06-2008 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
563(I)/2008 11-06-2008 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
496 (I)/2007 11-06-2008 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
560(I)/2008 11-06-2008 Amendment in SRO 577(I)/2005 19 active
558(I)/2008 11-06-2008 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
326(I)/2008 29-03-2008 The Federal Government is pleased to exempt from the whole of customs duties, sales tax and federal excise duty leviable on all the goods imported into and exported from an Export Oriented Unit subjec 19
327(I)/2008 29-03-2008 The Federal Board of Revenue is pleased to make the rules 219
(I)/2007 26-12-2007 Rangers In Punjab, Sindh Authorised To Carry Out Anti-Smuggling Functions 6
1185(I)/2007 05-12-2007 Regulatory duty at the rate of thirty-five percent ad-valorem on export of wheat products 18
1121 (I)/2007 17-11-2007 Exemption from customs duty leviable on import of vehical classifiable under PCT 8703 ment for transportation of person having bulletproofing and other security features. 19
(I)/2007 01-11-2007 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1070 (I)/2007 31-10-2007 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
943(I)/2007 14-09-2007 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
(I)/2007 12-09-2007 regulatory duty on imports 18
889(I)/2007 01-09-2007 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
875(I)/2007 29-08-2007 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
704 (I)/2007 14-07-2007 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
485(I)/2007 09-06-2007 Amnesty from payment of penalty, fine and surcharge 19
487 (I)/2007 09-06-2007 Smuggle Goods and Vehicles in violation of import policy order not to be released 181
488(I)2007 09-06-2007 Rescinding S.R.Os (S.R.O.1074(I)/2006, S.R.O.1089(I)/2006, S.R.O.44(I)/2007) 18
489(I)2007 09-06-2007 Rescinding S.R.Os 19
491(I)/2007 09-06-2007 General Amnesty has been notified for liquidation of financial securities 19
492(I)/2007 09-06-2007 Exemption has been granted to vehical tracking systems 19
500 (I)/2007 09-06-2007 Exemption of Customs duty on import of goods into pakistan from SAARC coutries under SAFTA agreement 19
498 (I)/2007 09-06-2007 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
497(I)/2007 09-06-2007 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
506 (I)/2007 09-06-2007 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
483(I)/2007 09-06-2007 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
503 (I)/2007 09-06-2007 Amendment in SRO 1298(I)/2005 19
502 (I)/2007 09-06-2007 Amendment in SRO 1296(I)/2005 19
493(I)/2007 09-06-2007 Exemption from customs duty and sales tax 19
505 (I)/2007 09-06-2007 Amendment in SRO 558(I)/2004 19
482(I)/2007 09-06-2007 Regulatory duty on ferrous and non ferrous waste and scrap. 18
659(I)/2023 05-06-2007 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219
486(I)/2003 03-06-2007 Concessionary additional customs duty as surcharge. 10
398(I)/2007 17-05-2007 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
395(I)/2007 14-05-2007 Exemption from customs duty on import of vehicles by war-disabled defence force personnel or by a civil disabled personne 19
342(I)/2007 25-04-2007 Amendment in SRO 577(I)/2006 19
327(I)/2007 18-04-2007 The materials and equipments, not manufactured lacally, if iported for Construction and Operation of Gwadar Port and development of Free Zone for Gwadar Port and Ship Bunker Oils bought and sold to th 19
316(I)/2007 12-04-2007 Exemption on customs duty and salestax on import of Plant and machinery for developement of special industrial and economic zones 19
286 (I)/2007 31-03-2007 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
224 (I)/2007 10-03-2007 Extension of warehousing period and remission of surcharge 98
149(I)/2007 24-02-2007 Exemption from customs duty and sales tax 13
174(I)/2007 21-02-2007 Amendment in SRO 566(I)/2005 156
143(I)/2007 20-02-2007 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
43(I)/2007 17-01-2007 Exemption from customs duty on Copper Cathodes and Aluminium Ingots 19
1124(I)/2006 10-11-2006 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 19
1122(I)/2006 10-11-2006 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
1123(I)/2006 10-11-2006 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
1007 (I)/2006 25-09-2006 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
945(I)/2006 05-09-2006 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
894 (I)/2006 31-08-2006 Exemption from customs duty on import from Iran under Pak-Iran PTA. 19
693(I)/2006 01-07-2006 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18 active
1403(I)/2012 01-07-2006 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
682(I)/2006 29-06-2006 Fixed Amount of Duty/Taxes on Passengers Baggage 19
655 (I)/2006 22-06-2006 Exemption of customs duty for vendors of Automotive sector. 19
656(I)/2006 22-06-2006 Exemtption of cutoms duty for OEMs of Automotive sector. 19 active
577(I)/2006 05-06-2006 Exemption of duty and taxes on vehicles’ imported by diplomatic representatives / mission at the stage of the disposal 19
565(I)/2006 05-06-2006 Exemption from customs duty on import of raw materials, sub-components, components, sub-assemblies and assemblies, for manufacture of specified goods (Survey based). 19
574(I)/2006 05-06-2006 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
576 (I)/2006 05-06-2006 Exemption of duty and taxes on vehicle imported by privileged person /organization / office at the stage of their disposal. 19
437(I)/2006 10-05-2006 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
171(I)/2006 24-02-2006 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1298(I)/2005 31-12-2005 Exemption from duty under PAK Malaysia early harvest programme(EHP) 18C
1211(I)/2005 09-12-2005 Amendment in SRO.450(I)/2001 dated 18.6.2001 Customs Rules,2001 21
1174(I)/2005 23-11-2005 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1100(I)/2005 24-10-2005 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1065(I)/2005 20-10-2005 This Notification issued in suppersesion of SRO 410/2001 dated 18th June 2001.According to the new Notification, the facility of temporary importation is available to exporters also registered as manu 19
1065(I)/2005 20-10-2005 This Notification issued in suppersesion of SRO 410/2001 dated 18th June 2001.According to the new Notification, the facility of temporary importation is available to exporters also registered as manu 19 Supersession
1019(I)/2005 29-09-2005 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
896(I)/2005 30-08-2005 Exemption from customs duty and sales tax 13
895(I)/2005 29-08-2005 List of perishable goods under the Customs Act,1969. 98
867(I)/2005 24-08-2005 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
844(I)/2005 16-08-2005 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
566(I)/2005 06-06-2005 Notified goods in terms of Section 2(s) of the Customs Act,1969. 156(2), 2(s)(ii)
577(I)/2005 06-06-2005 Exemption From Customs Duty on machinery and equipments 19
571(I)/2005 06-06-2005 Amendment in SRO 678(I)/2004 19
492(I)/2005 23-05-2005 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
271 (I)/2005 24-03-2005 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
198(I)/2005 28-02-2005 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
209(I)/2005 26-02-2005 Amendment in SRO 888(I)/2004 195
84(I)/2005 27-01-2005 Amendment in SRO 888(I)/2004 195-C
888(I)/2004 30-10-2004 Alternate Dispute Resolution 195C
678(I)/2004 07-08-2004 Exemption from customs duty and sales tax to Exploration and production (E&P) companies on import of machinery, equipment , specialized vehicles/vessels and helicopter etc. 19
461(I)/2004 12-06-2004 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
452(I)/2004 12-06-2004 Exemption from customs duty and sales tax on import of machinery 13
449(I)/2004 12-06-2004 Exemption from customs duty 19
459(I)/2004 12-06-2004 Amendment in SRO 487(I)/2003 219
315(I)/2004 21-05-2004 Duty Draw Back - Artificial leather (PVC binding material) 12A
1028(I)/2003 06-11-2003 Duty Draw Back - Central Excise on export of Lubricating Oil 12-A
416(I)/2002 06-11-2003 Reward Rules (Customs) 12A
859(I)/2003 29-08-2003 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
704(I)/2003 10-07-2003 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
490(I)/2003 07-06-2003 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
623(I)/2004 16-05-2003 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
801(I)/2002 15-11-2002 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
(I)/2002 13-11-2002 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
634(I)/2002 16-09-2002 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
375(I)/2002 15-06-2002 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
376(I)/2002 15-06-2002 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
371(I)/2002 15-06-2002 Notified Appropriate Officers under various sections of the Customs Act,1969(IV of 1969). 2(b)
247(I)/2002 08-05-2002 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
(I)/2001 10-12-2001 Exemption from customs duty on import of raw materials 19
627 (I)/2000 04-09-2000 Customs Export Processing Zones (EPZ) Rules, 1981. 219
703(I)/1999 12-06-1999 Exemption from customs duty on import of raw 19
554(I)/1998 12-06-1998 Exemption from customs duty and sales tax on import of machinery for setting up a manufacturing unit or for the expansion, balancing, modernization and replacement (BMR) of existing units. 13
941(I)/97 06-10-1997 Customs Export Processing Zones (EPZ) Rules, 1981. 219
84(I)/1996 30-01-1996 Exemption from customs duty on import of raw materials 19
822(I)/91 20-08-1991 Exemption from warehousing surcharge on certain goods. 10
497(I)/1991 30-05-1991 Conditions regulating the import of acetic anhydride. 211
142(I)/88 25-02-1988 Customs Export Processing Zones (EPZ) Rules, 1981. 219
863(I)/2018 09-07-0218 S.R.O 43(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
988(I)/2021 30-07-0021 Amendment in SRO 212(I)/2009 dated 5th March, 2019 21
562(I)/2017 01-07-0007 S.R.O 499(I)/2013 superseded S.R.O. 607(I)/2012, dated the 2nd June, 2012 19
996(I)/2023 30-11--0001 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 dated 18.06.2001 in Supersession of S.R.O 413(I)/2012 dated 12.04.2012 (Tracking and Monitoring Rules) 219
1261(I)/2007 30-11--0001 Free Trade Agreement with Malaysia 19
1089(I)/2006 30-11--0001 Levy of additional Customs Duty on Import of Specified Goods 18
666(I)/2006 30-11--0001 Baggage Rules 2006 219
601 (I)/2011 30-11--0001 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
990(I)/2006 30-11--0001 Amendment in SRO 655 (I)/2006 19
(I)/2006 30-11--0001 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
94(I)/2006 30-11--0001 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
714(I)/2005 30-11--0001 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
563(I)/2005 30-11--0001 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
210(I)/2005 30-11--0001 Amendment in Customs Rules, 2001. 219
1296(I)/2005 30-11--0001 Exemption from duty under PAK-CHINA early harvest programme(EHP). 19
125(I)/1999 30-11--0001 Exemption from payment of customs duties and sales tax on specified goods, if imported by British Airways. 219
71(I)/1995 30-11--0001 Exemption from customs duty on import of raw materials for manufacture of goods by such industries which commenced commercial operation upto 30.06.1999 in Special Industrial Zones 19
249(I)/1981 30-11--0001 Customs Export Processing Zones (EPZ) Rules, 1981. 219
487(I)/2003 30-11--0001 Takeover of Imported Goods Rules, 2003 219
450(I)/2001 30-11--0001 Customs Rules, 2001. 19
783(I)/2005 30-11--0001 This notification rescinded 7 standard DDB notifications 19
259(I)/2004 30-11--0001 Duty Draw Back - Fiber Cement Pipes 12A
833(I)/2021 30-11--0001 S.R.O 42(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
862(I)/2018 30-11--0001 S.R.O 42(I)/2014 Dated 20.01.2014 6
287(I)/2023 30-11--0001 Amendment in SRO 450(I)/2001 219
901(I)/2023 30-11--0001 Delegation of Anti-Smuggling powers of LEAs 6
771(I)/2023 30-11--0001 Amendment in SRO 577(I)2005 - dt 06-06-2005 13